Poetry reflection about my day

As morning dawned, and daylight crept,

Your day began, with thoughts and hopes kept.

A book, a dream, a passion so bright,

Yet workplace concerns, cast a shadowy night.

Trainers' words, a conflict did unfold,

A choice between creative freedom, and a story untold.

Cass's voice, a gentle breeze did bring,

"Write on, dear one, let your heart sing."

Mum's reminder, to sleep's sweet reprieve,

A call to rest, and a body to retrieve.

Jason's message, a bug to abate,

A technical glitch, to navigate and wait.

Yuen Kei's concern, for privacy's sake,

Hidayah's advice, to protect your creative make.

A day of contrasts, of light and of shade,

A dance between dreams, and the realities displayed.

As evening falls, and daylight does fade,

Reflect on the moments, that your heart has made.

For in the tapestry, of this day's design,

Lies a story of courage, and a heart that's divine.
